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About Yvonne,
Innate Midwife

Yvonne's Story

Yvonne graduated from Latrobe University in 2005 with a double bachelor degree of Nursing and Midwifery. She completed her graduate year at the Royal Women’s Hospital where she worked across the continuum of maternity care including antenatal out-patients clinic, antenatal high-risk inpatient ward, birthing suite, and postnatal ward. The nursing component of her graduate year was completed on the gynaecology/oncology ward where she cared for women both young and old with a variety of conditions. 

Following her graduate year, Yvonne continued on as a team midwife at the Royal Women’s Hospital, rotating through various departments. 

In 2007, she furthered her studies by completing the Nurse Immunizer Program through LaTrobe University. In 2010, she completed the Complex Care Course through the Royal Women’s Hospital, and in 2011 the Advanced Life Support in Obstetrics course.

In 2011 and 2012 she travelled to Thursday Island, QLD, and Narrabri, NSW for some rural Australian midwifery as well as volunteering in Uganda, Africa, with YWAM in a rural outreach clinic and birth-center.

In 2012, back home in Melbourne she was promoted to Clinical Midwife Specialist and began taking on in-charge duties.

In 2022 she completed the ‘Prescribing for Midwives’ course through Griffith University and obtained her Endorsement for scheduled medicines.

Yvonne’s extensive experience is not only professional but personal. Whilst in Uganda she met her man and several months later after a whirlwind romance, married in Australia and embarked on her own motherhood journey.

Yvonne has personally experienced a caesarean section birth, followed by three successful VBAC’s (Vaginal Birth After Caesarean), the first being a forceps birth, followed by two normal vaginal births. She breastfed all four of her children including tandem feeding her first two. She knows all about the sleepless nights, the sore bottom and breasts, breastfeeding dramas and everything else in between!

Yvonne believes women are AMAZING and melts over babies! Her other loves are nature, sunsets and sunrises, gardening, animals, good music, singing, reading and most of all FAMILY! Her favourite thing to watch is her children playing HAPPILY together. She thinks its WAAAAAAY better than TV! Unless it's them on the screen of course! (Disclaimer-they don’t always play happily together-but when they do-it's awesome!)


Message from Yvonne

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Hello there and WELCOME! 


I have been a midwife for more than 16 years and have loved pregnant bellies and newborn babies for as long as I can remember! Midwifery is my calling!


Eight years into my midwifery career I embarked on the journey of motherhood which has by far been the most challenging, tiring, fulfilling and amazingly rewarding journey I have ever taken! I now have three gorgeous, cheeky, wild, noisy boys and one sassy, gorgeous girl with the most amazing (and high maintenance) curls you'll ever see!


Motherhood's journey has taught me many things as a midwife but the most empowering yet humbling thing I've learned, is that there are some things you can't learn by reading. They are INNATE...deep inside every mother.


I once heard a statement that resonated with me:

"Babies don't come with an instruction manual. They come with a MOTHER."

Mama, that instruction manual with all the trouble shooting tips for working out your new baby is....(drum roll)...YOU! Don't freak out now! I know it sounds like alot of pressure, but I believe this is empowering and herein lies my PASSION as a midwife..... empower YOU to tap into that INNATE mother you were created to be!

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